Joy Chapel Volunteer


Joy Chapel Volunteer

Volunteer Job Description

Ministry to people with developmental disabilities, mostly of adult age, some getting to be elderly.

Helping to serve a meal. Helping with registration. Befriending and hanging out with the attendees. Helping with cleanup.. Being involved in chapel service: in music if so gifted, giving a testimony, teaching the lesson (once or twice), etc.


Meets at Trinity Lutheran Church, located at 100 St. 105 Ave. in Grande Prairie, across from the Dairy Queen.

Dates & Times

Thursday, from 4 - 7 pm. If you arrive by 4:30, it would be good.

Frequency of Involvement

Weekly, except for the Christmas - New Year break. 3-5 hrs./wk.

May be more depending on involvement and preparation needed (ex. teaching Bible lessons, singing, playing for service, etc.). There are opportunities for this type of involvement if they choose.

Positions Available

4-6 positions, male and/or female.

More Information

Must fill out an application form, which also calls for a criminal record check for the vulnerable sector.


Corney Thiessen

(780) 513-6593

Jonathan Lorentzen


Affiliated with One Hope Canada

Joy Chapel Ministries at Grande Prairie 


