McLaurin Baptist Church: Awana Club


Awana or Youth Group Leader

Volunteer Job Description

Games leader - help lead kids grade 1-3 and 4-6 during the games times
Handbook leader - help lead kids grade 1-3 and 4-6 during the handbook times
Cubbies leader - assist the cubbies leader with the age 4-kindergarten kids

Dates & Times

5pm Potluck and setup
6:30 club starts
8:00 go home


McLaurin Baptist Church, unless otherwise stated

Frequency of Involvement


Positions Available

either Age 4-K
or Grade 1-3 and 4-6

More Information

Criminal Record check with vulnerable sector check
Child Intervention services Check
P2P training
Club orientation
One on One interview
Kaleb Penner
(780) 518-6068