BRE: Intercultural Ministries Major
Program Description
The Intercultural Ministries Major is designed to prepare you to live and work in a cross-cultural setting, whether abroad or in your home country. You will grow in your awareness and appreciation of the global church in all its diversity, the importance of indigenous church leadership, and the role of cross-cultural missions. Additionally, you will develop skills in intercultural communication, evangelism and service that will equip you for effective ministry wherever God calls you.
This four-year program is designed to allow you to develop your God-given gifts and calling in evangelism and disciple-making.

Program Specific Courses (11 credit hours)
- In addition to the BRE Degree Core, you will take the following courses:

Program Objectives
Upon completion of the program, you should:
- be familiar with the history of missions since the apostolic era, and develop an ability to critically evaluate modern emphases in light of the scriptural mandate to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19);
- develop a growing awareness of various missionary organizations, and their operational structures and distinctives;
- develop an appreciation for the challenges facing missions in such areas as contextualizing the gospel message across barriers of culture, language, and national circumstances; communicating from a wealthy to an impoverished context; the pressure to dialogue with other religions; and the biblical role of social service and social action in evangelistic witness.