Faith Based Addictions Treatment Program
In cooperation with Rising Above Ministries, we are currently developing a new track designed to equip you to help others break free of cycles of defeat. This 10 credit program will be available both as a stand-alone certificate (for qualified students) and as a major for BRE students. Typically, we offer one 2-credit course per semester (not including internship).

Program Outline
This program is consists of 9-10 credits of study, depending on whether it is taken as a standalone certificate or as a specialization in our Bachelor of Religious Education degree. Core courses are offered on a rotating basis, one course per semester
- Addictions Related Issues (2)
- Healing Soul Wounds (2)
- Understanding Addictions (2)
- Introduction to Counselling (2)
- Internship/Practicum (1-2)- Depending on your program, you will complete either a 1 credit practicum (Certificate) or 2 credit internship (BRE).